A Modern Approach To ED and Low T Issues

Our professional medical staff can help diagnose, prescribe, and address erectile dysfunction and low testosterone which may result in restored energy levels, mental health, and libido.


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A top rated men’s clinic in Calgary

36+ years of experience in men’s health

- A Calgary men’s health clinic

Discover how you can reclaim your lost vitality

Are you currently experiencing:

  • Trouble getting or maintaining an erection?
  • Lack of or reduced sexual desire?
  • Fatigue and decreased energy levels?
  • Muscle loss and weight gain?
  • Mood swings or depression?

We Offer Treatment Options

As a medical clinic, our staff of esteemed licensed medical providers approach your sexual health from a total health perspective. We at Dynamic Health Studio are here to provide you with everything that you need to pursue your best life.

We specialize in treating erectile dysfunction and low t. This allows us a narrow focus in men’s health issues, giving us the dedication and time to successfully treat our patients. Rather than giving quick, ineffective fixes, we work with you to develop a customized treatment plan which can help you reach your goals.

All consultations are discreet and confidential. Your comfort and privacy is our priority.

Erectile Dysfunction

Supplements and prescription drugs may not be right for all patients. Our convenient treatment options lack the side effects associated with some medications.

Low T

1 in 4 men over 30 have low testosterone levels1, causing weight gain, decreased energy, and sexual dysfunction. Our medical team specializes in diagnosing and treating Low T.

Peyronie’s Disease

For men suffering from Peyronie’s disease, our proprietary treatments may help restore the quality of your erections, allowing you to enjoy pain-free intercourse once again.

Male Enhancement

Looking to improve your performance in the bedroom? You do not have to be suffering from erectile dysfunction for us to help. Our treatment options can help improve the quality of your erections for a better overall experience.

Special Offer


Free GAINSWave™ session when you sign up for a treatment plan.

*Offer only valid for new patients only.

- Schedule a consultation today!

By focusing only on erectile dysfunction and low testosterone, we are able to provide comprehensive options.

For a limited time, new patients will receive a FREE session of GAINSWave™ with the purchase of an ED treatment plan. Call or send us your info a free consultation to get started!

- Our treatment options


A safe, non-invasive procedure, GAINSWave uses acoustic wave technology to promote increased blood flow to the penis, effectively treating erectile dysfunction and enhancing sexual performance.

Hormone Therapy (HRT)

Our comprehensive Hormone Replacement Therapy program can help restore your testosterone and other hormone levels to optimal, resulting in increased energy, libido, and more.

- Questions about our treatments

Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our clinic.

During your initial consultation, you will meet with a physician to discuss the issues you are facing, your medical history, and what treatment options would be best for you.

Simply put, ED is the inability to get or maintain an erection. As men age, this becomes increasingly common, and can begin in men as early as in their 30’s. Some of the common causes of ED include poor blood flow, stress, hormone imbalance or low t, high blood pressure or cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity.

Not every patient experiences ED the same way, so why treat it the same? Dynamic Health Studio offers a variety of treatment options to help men experiencing erectile dysfunction. Available treatment options include:

  • GAINSWave™
  • Hormone Therapy (HRT)

Testosterone is a hormone naturally produced by the body that affects men’s sex drive, muscle growth, mental health, and more. After age 30, the body’s testosterone levels begin to decline, leading to a number of possible side effects. Studies have shown that 1 in 4 men over 30 have low testosterone levels.

  • Fatigue and decreased energy levels
  • Lack of or reduced sexual desires
  • Trouble getting or maintaining an erection
  • Loss of muscle mass and strength
  • Increase in weight
  • Mood swings or depression

Treating Low T involves restoring testosterone levels to where they should be. Our bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) program can help men safely restore their testosterone and other necessary hormone levels. (Results vary from patient to patient.)

Men undergoing HRT have reported the following benefits:

  • Increased energy and stamina
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Reduced fat
  • Increased libido
  • Improved sexual performance
  • Improvement in overall mood

- See what GAINSWave™ patients have to say

Patient - Bill A.


"I was losing the capability to remain hard trying to have intercourse with my wife. The want was there, it’s just that it was never hard enough. I tried a number of other options and nothing seemed to work. The doctor only offered me pills, but as much as it costs, it’s only a one-time gain. After just one treatment, it was great!"

Patient - Karl S.


"I tried pills and those only helped a little. After my first sessions with GAINSWave™ I noticed a definite improvement. About 3 months later I had another round of treatments, and my performance went through the roof. My maintainability was greatly improved, and the degree of sensitivity you feel is way higher!"

About Dynamic Health Studio

We at Dynamic Health Studio believe in change. We want you to take charge towards a better future, YOUR future. We have the knowledge and technology to help you take action and want to become partners with you in managing, improving, and maintaining your health inside and out.

Our team is committed to providing quality care that ensures you have a positive and welcoming experience every time to step through the door. Schedule a free consultation for more information!

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